
a command line cheatsheet created for future reference

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Command Line Cheatsheet

a command line cheatsheet created for future reference

curl - is used to download stuff from online based on a link

history - is used to view all the previous shell entries.

rm [file name] - to delete a file(-r to erase the directory)

ls --all or ls -a - list all the items in the current directory(-l long list)

pwd - print the address of the working directory cd - change directory cd ..- go up one, to the parent directory mkdir [dir name] - make a directory

ctrl-R - reverse search history using keywords ctrl-D - stop the program

cat [name.txt] - concatanate command to combine files, or open a file

wc [name.txt] - find the word count of the file

diff [name1.txt] [name2.txt] - find the difference in the two files

man [program name] - manual of the command or the program

bc - calculator

less [name.txt] - to open and view the file(similar to pdf opener)[/ - to search terms]

nanao [name.txt] - text editor

mv [item1, item2,.....] [directory to be moved] - move the files to a different directory cp [item1, item2,.....] [directory to be moved] - copy the files to a different directory

### globbing(works with other commands not just ls)

ls *html - list all the files that have html

ls app* - list all files that start with app

ls *pp* - list all files that contain the letters pp

ls b*png - list all files that start with b and end with png

```ls app.{css,html} - list all app files that have html or css extensions

ls bea?.png - list all the files that contains bea_.png = _ could be anyletter

ls be[aeiou]r.png - list all the files that contains any letters in the square brackets. ex bear.png